Self Belief is Everything

All words and pictures copyright Alastair Rose 2011

Monday, October 19, 2009

End of Summer?

The last few weeks have been amazing, a short road trip up to the North of Washington (I almost ended up in Canada after not paying attention) Visiting folks along the way (those photos I will include with the rest of my road trip photos) then some work out of the beautiful OB base in the North Cascades. This was a 20 day section of a 50 day wilderness educators course with elements in Sea Kayaking, Wilderness First Aid, Mountaineering and a Practicum. We headed to the Entiat and Glacier Peak wilderness for the 16day mountain section with beautiful weather and autum colours to start with followed by some more wintery days. The final 3 days was a slog out in rapidly melting snow and heavy rain - just what future outdoor educators need.
Bouldering in the mountains with the Larch trees changing colour.
Betty moving along the fixed line on the way to the summit of Emerald Peak

Wyatt and Cara my Co-instructors on the summit of Emerald peak
Cara and Wyatt making dinner in camp (check out the 6 days of food behind Wyatt)Changing Larch trees lit up by the setting sun at Choral Lake
The Camp at Choral Lake (last of the evening sun at 530pm

Upper Ice Lake below Mt Maude. I got to chill out here for half a day after scouting the route on Mt Maude.
Not really what i wanted to find while alone. A very fresh Black Bear Track at Lower Ice Lake. (interestingly this is at 6900ft which seems a little high for a bear at this time of year)

Wyatt (in red) gives the solo/survival briefing under blue skies.
Peaking out of the tent as the snow begins to fall during soloIce in the creekA visit from steve the snowman - This is as the students came off solo - 6- 8 inches fell this night.

And now i am officially not working till the first of December (Unless you are a US Visa official and are reading this in which case I am doing a couple of days of work in November) Road tripping down through Washington, Idaho, (possibly Wyoming) Utah and Nevada for some adventures.................


paul trendler said...

dude! looks like a great course. i think i might have gone to high school with your co-instructor wyatt. if i'm not mistaken i've seen him jump across an alley rooftop-to-rooftop. anyway. stay healthy and happy!

Wyatt said...

I like being famous! Hey Ali give me a call or email me. I want to talk about Denali!