Even by British standards it has been a little damp for the summer. It is still possible to find good weather if you look hard enough but it does involve a fair bit of driving and some staring at synoptic charts. The last few weeks have been busy with work and courses, I took some days off and completed my Mountaineering Instructors training which was great fun (Glenmore lodge is sponsored by Balvenie whisky and has full cooked breakfasts every day which helped) and it was then back on the road for some climbing up North. Then back to work for the last few weeks with the odd day off looking for dry rock or at least dry pubs.
Last night - Some of my family lined up at sunset in findhorn bay - you might be able to tell who has the binoculars..Charlie rocking it out at the Moorings in Corpach
My co-instructor Chris sitting by the fire in North Bay on Scarba on one of our expeditions.
On the same expedition with Chris we came across an awfull lot of dead animals. The group of young lads we had with us looked a little horrified when we hacked the head off this deer the next morning and carried it back with us. The smell did mean they kept walking though.
My Kelly Kettle cranking out one last hot chocolate at about 11pm in North bay while Chris tells the kids a story in their sleeping bags.
Another wet day in scotland. Adrian jumping off right angle falls.
Its probably dry up there - Adrian and I about to bail off a very wet "Satans Slit" on Rannoch wall. Neither of us could feel our hands.
Hannah seconding up "route 3" on the main wall on Diabiag in perfect conditions while it rains on the rest of scotland. The climbing at Diabiag is unbelievable - we managed to fit 9 pitches of climbing into the day, all above HVS finishing with the immaculate "Northumbria wall (E2 5c)"
Looking NW from the summit of Scarba. The Garbhellachs are the long thin chain of islands on the left and mull is in the the background. The right side of the image is Lunga, Rua Fiola etc.